Actor Malkhan Singh who plays lord Shiva in the show Vighnaharta Ganesha recently had a photoshoot. The photoshoot showed a totally different side of the actor.
The photoshoot covered 9 looks of the actor, all the looks not only different but also giving a unique look to Malkhan Singh. Malkhan has been working on his physique since a long time and the outcome can be seen in this photoshoot.
Malkhan Singh who shoots for long hours everyday manages to follow a strict regime and workout. He is a fitness enthusiast and is also trained in martial arts.The actor starts his day with yoga and cardio exercises and follows it up with shavasana at home.
Malkhan Singh started his career as a model and later to joined theatre to improve his acting skills. Singh debuted with a short film named ‘Kamasutra’ where he played the character of nagasanyasi. Malkhan who is currently seen in as Shiva in Vighnharata Ganesha says that he is enjoying playing God Shiva as he himself is a Shiva Bhakt.
Malkhan prefers to live in the present and does not foresee the future.
Actor Malkhan Singh’s transformation is going to give his fans some fitness goals.
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