Rohit Pathak who got fame through blockbuster movie Theeran, has very busy schedule in Tollywood cinema, he has started shooting of his next Tollywood project “BAKRID” staring VIKRANTH under the Banner of M-10 production house. Co.Dir Hariharakrishnan Ramalingam (Co.Dir of THEERAN) strongly recommend Rohit for this film. When asked about the film Rohit said ‘ While I was narrated the story I really liked the subject and I instantly said yes because these days very rarely you will find such cinema.
The story is very beautiful and I’m playing a very important role, a complete different character. I can’t discuss much about the subject at this point of time. But would definitely say that this film would take the Indian Cinema to a completely different level. I would like to thank my Dir.Jegadeesan Subu & Producer.M.S Murugaraj from the bottom of my heart for casting me and making me part of such a wonderful subject.
—–Abhishek Dubey (PRO)
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