Blue Diamond Production House excelled on its debut with the release of Hu Tara Ishq Ma (Gujarati Film). It has been on a roll ever since headed by Chanda Patel. Chanda Patel made various music albums, short films under her Banner. She always tried out experimenting with different genres. Recently she started the shooting of his next film “I’m Not PornStar Nazar Sambhal Ke” directed by Jainendra Baxi, Starring Julia bliss and Sandip Soparrkar which is being shot presently.
Producer Chanda Patel is doing all efforts for the unique metaphorical script and leaving no stone unturned, she said, “its great pleasure for me to inform about my ongoing project “I’m Not PornStar Nazar Sambhal Ke! The way it is outstandingly being shot. The production house will open the doors for new writers, with the help of budding writers, and I’m planning to come up with something creative.”
———-Pigeon Media (Abhishek Dubey)
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