Actress Alisa Khan, who belongs to the royal family of Ghaziabad, made her Bollywood debut as an actress in the Hindi film “My Husband Wife”. She has also worked with Emraan Hashmi in the film “Aaina” which will be released soon. Alisa told that her family did not want her to step into Bollywood, but her passion for acting brought her to this point. It is not considered appropriate for girls to come to films from the family that Alisa belongs to, but she came to Mumbai after fighting her family and has managed to make her own identity on her own today. She Is the great-granddaughter of the founder of Ghaziuddin. In Bollywood, as an actress as well as an astrologer, she is quite famous.
She has also appeared in 12 music videos in addition to several films from South. She will soon be seen in a website too. However, these days, Alisa Khan is spending quality time in Mumbai with her daughter Dua and husband Aftab Hussain Shah. She married Aftab Hussain Shah, a resident of Kurla, Mumbai, in 2017 and then gave birth to a daughter on 30 December 2018. Talking about Alisa’s film career, she can participate in the next season of Bigg Boss. She said that she has already received an offer to go to Bigg Boss, but due to pregnancy she could not enter Bigg Boss.
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