Bollywood celebrities Deepak Tijori. Rajeev Thakur and Adil Durrani graced their presence at the launch of music video “Gair Chun Liya” that stars Nikkita and Aastha Rawal with Resty Kamboj that was held at Red Bulb Studio in Mumbai. This is Nikkita ‘s successive appearance after the tremendous success of her music video”Shai Shai Dil”.
Hashmat Sultan has rendered mesmerizing voice over music composition of Oye Kunaal who has also directed the video that is trending on top on Digital platforms.
Among other notable celebs present were Adil Durrani, comedian Rajeev Thakur, Bright Outdoor’s Yogesh Lakhani, Lady Manoj Kumar along with Nikkita and Aastha Rawal’s mother.
Deepak Tijori highly appreciated this song stating, “Nikkita Rawal and Aastha Rawal are just awesome in this video that’s based on the theme of deception in love.”
While stating that this song was filmed in the scorching heat of 48 degrees in Rajasthan, Nikkita Rawal expressed her heartfelt gratitude towards the guests.
An excited Aastha Rawal mentioned, “This is my first music video and I accepted the challenge of playing negative shades which is appreciated by our fans.”
The gorgeous Nikkita Rawal has acted in several Bollywood and South Indian movies such as Black & White with Anil Kapoor, Mr Hot Mr Kool and The Hero – Abhimanyu, Ammaa Ki Boli, Garam Masala (starring Akshay Kumar and John Abhraham) among others. . She is also acclaimed for working with a government project depicting social issues, produced by Innocent Virus Films on NDTV.
Nikkita Rawal ‘s upcoming film is Roti Kapda aur Romance where she plays the lead role alongside Arshad Warsi and Chunky Pandey.
Grand launch of Nikkita Rawal Aastha Rawal and Resty Kamboj’s music video GAIR CHUN LIYA
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