Birthday of bollywood film producer/director Rakesh Sabharwal celebrated at Trumpet Sky lounge on 9th July. Various celebrities including Pawan Kaushik, Atul Mohan, Yash wadali, Samrat Sarkar, Chitrlekha, Ruby mocha, Tushar Dhailiwal, Archana tomar, Maya singh, Priyanka, Kajal Shah, Arti Nagaal, Dev Sharma, Lalit Sharma from delhi, Mukesh Sharma, Rajesh Vasani, Rahul dewda designer from label Chota Luxury, Vinod Mukhi director, Vijay Verma Music director etc. were present there to gave wishes to Rakesh Sabharwal for his birthday.
A special fabulous dance performance was done by Shirin which kept all the people spellbound . Many people came from all over India who celebrated birthday of Rakesh Sabharwal which you can also see in the Pictures & Videos.
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